I’m getting ready for my first trip to England and I appreciate your support!
If you would like to select one of the photos below, please send $25 to me via paypal, dj@amandadarling.com. In return, I will mail you one of these photos of your choice, large size (8 x 10), without watermark, on photo paper with an autograph and an advanced copy of my track, “ARTEMIS”. Please include your full name mailing address. Thanks! ($5 of it will go toward shipping).
If you would like all 8 of these photos emailed to you in large size without watermarks, the price is $50.
Paypal me: dj@amandadarling.com Just visit www.paypal.com
Make sure to include your mailing address, email address and a description of the photo(s) you want!
Photos by Bruno O’Hara and Steve Paynie